terça-feira, maio 29, 2012

then a gem comes along: spawned by the burst of local idiocy, or perhaps, by the glimmer of unintentional brilliance!

(images by Andrew Graydon, Adam Kowalczyk, Ralph Samuelson, M. Radchenko )

Seen in a wonderful "Robot Supply & Repair Shop" in Ann Arbor, Michigan:

(photo sent by Andy)

Wall Street is broken... or at least it seems to be entirely screwed up in Wellington, New Zealand:

(photo courtesy Alexander Garside)

Sign makers have a way to discourage doomsayers:

(image via)

A guy and a girl get excited about radioactivity? -

(image via)

When you apply the sticker over your van, pay attention to where the rivets are going! -

Signs to make your commute less boring:

Suggestions in the sign below include "No Worries" and "Have a Nice Flight!". Gotta be photoshop, but who knows...

(images via)

The local Dutch urban artist decided to dispense with conventional traffic signs altogether:

(original unknown)

Finnish artist Otto Karvonen has placed his own road and traffic signs in various places around Liverpool City Centre:

(image credit: liverpoolbiennial)

Valley View Road leads... everywhere:

(photo sent by Sharyn)

(image via)

(image credit: MegaGreg1)


Warnings are for wimps

If only in a Photoshop Land:

(image credit: Mister_IQ

(images via Sally Lentz, Warren Ellis, Slurpy)

The rest of the signs appear legit...

Not allowed to do... a lot of things. These signs are seen in an abandoned amusement park in Korea (see our article)

(images credit: Jon Dunbar)

Islands of Adventures, Orlando, Florida (left) - and a sign in a taxi, Adelaide, Australia (right) -

(images via)

No smelly durians, please:

(image credit: fast-ferret)


Make your way to the toilet... slowly.

Take time to carefully read the signage, before opening that door:

(images credit: Chris Herron and Dave Cameron)


The Russian's are the best sign creators, bar none

Making the Bourne Identity Matt Damon's character hopelessly confused, this signage would play the hand of those intent on capturing him.

"Place Your Ad Here!" -

When confronted with the shop that sells both "Meat" and "Fish", they draw a fish-cow creature to illustrate the concept:

"Look at this man! he should be ASHAMED! he got drunk and broke the sapling tree that a little boy planted!..." -

"You reap what you sow: Your girl plants the seeds, breaks her back digging the ground, and provides vegetables for your table - and YOU, what are you doing in the meantime??" -
(this made me so guilty, that I couldn't eat vegetables for a week. Oh well.)

"Welcome to Orenburg!"
(A good time was had by all!) -

(image via)

Russian movie posters (I can recognize "Bridget Jones's Diary", "Scooby-Doo"...)


(image via)

"Our Saints" board is glaringly empty:

Politics are getting ugly:

(image credit: Reuters)


Notices to Relish

Enjoy the subtle lunacy of these offerings:

(image credit: Christina Kennedy)

Notice on an office microwave:

(image credit: Passive Aggressive Notes)

This is a pretty weird request:

(image credit: Passive Aggressive Notes)

There is a weird "musical knee" on the right; who knows what it's for -

(images credit: mikeontv and superlocal)

Instructions for prayer? I thought the Bible has them -

(an art project by Dylan Mortimer, more info)

(right image credit: Mike Wiskin)

Obstacle course:

(image credit: Gerben Geijteman)

A church in plight:

(image credit: Passive Aggressive Notes)

(photo sent in by Ollie Green)

It's all about water:

(left image: Sign in a building of the Oregon Health Sciences University, sent in by Idenniston)

Agree... to disagree? -

(image credit: hybernationmusic.com)

For the color-blind:

(image credit: yorkshire4)

(right image via terr-bo)

A label for the very useful enhancement to your car:

A Godzilla's Egg:

And finally, a great example of "Engrish", or rather of the interesting clash of cultures... A helpful translation list in Bejing - of (nasty) things English speakers might say to the vendors: