sábado, abril 28, 2012

Pit BullDogs have been one of the best human companions through centuries. Almost in all the countries of the world dogs are kept as pets and the pet love for dogs is extreme to that much extent in some of the countries that we can’t even think about it. Some people who have kept dogs treat them like their own children, simply saying they are that much attached to dogs that no one can imagine it. As it’s a common saying that everything has some negative and some positive points. Some of the dog breeds are very aggressive and so called dangerous as well. While we were making this list many of the aspects has been kept in mind like for example. Dogs attack on humans, attack on other animals, over all reputation of the breed, natureand aggressiveness of the specific dog breed. It’s my personal opinion that no dogs are dangerous, it all depends on the owners and environment in which they are living so enjoy the list.

10. Chow Chow

Chow Chow
Chow Chow is one of the fluffiest dogs present on this list. Chow Chow is one of the most ancient dog breeds originated in northern china almost 2000 years ago for hunting purposes and for helping shepherds. It was breaded with as a working and helping dog As far as the nature of Chow Chow is concerned it so the overall analysis proves that it’s an aggressive breed but even then people love to keep it as a pet for guard dog purposes. The normal weight of Chow Chow varies between 22 – 44 kilograms. As compared to other dogs Chow Chow has 44 teeth while mostly the dogs have 42 teeth.

9. Dalmatian

Dalmatian dogs are cute white skinned but they got black spots which make them even more attractive. In early 1700 Dalmatians were highly used for coaching dogs and they fight of animals and robbers who cross their area boundary line. It’s true that Dalmatians have lot of energy and they are pretty fast and active. Dalmatians tolerate till the limit and if it’s beyond the line they don’t hesitate to attack and to be honest their attack is a bit wild so in other words they are good to be a pet dog but they also have aggressive nature.  The cute looking Dalmatian dogs have weight between 20 – 32 kilograms and are mostly found in Yugoslavia.

8. Boxer

Boxer Dog
Boxer is one of the most interesting dog breed all over the world. The name was given to it on its funny moves while playing with its owners which resembles like boxing with the owner although it’s just playing. One interesting thing about this breed is that Boxer breed holds the record of the dogs with the longest tongue. Boxer has weight between 23 – 33 Kilograms and is mostly found in Germany. Boxers are popular because of the aggressive nature while on the other hand it has many plus points as well, like it can be a very good family dog. Powerfully build and exploding with energy the boxer is a true athlete and is a very dangerous guard dog for robbers.

7. Presa Canario

Presa Canario
Presa Canario is a huge and dangerous dog breed. Having the weight between 37 – 55 kilograms these huge powerful dogs are not only dangerous but they are very frightening looking. The origin of this dangerous dog is Canary Islands and it is one of the most outstanding guard dog breeds of the world. As far as the nature of Presa Canario is concerned so it is not only aggressive but it is also dangerous for those dog owners who don’t have experience of keeping a dog before. The biting power of Presa Canario is so strong that it is almost impossible to escape out of it easily.

6. Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes
Alaskan Malamutes is a very hard working dog. Alaskan Malamutes are mostly found in highly snowy areas where the normal transport is very difficult to find or operate. Alaskan Malamutes has many plus points as compared to negative ones but even then they are dangerous because when this dog gets mad it’s very difficult to make it calm down and the victim can get seriously hurt because mostly these dogs don’t walk alone and this clearly shows that if they don’t walk alone then they don’t attack alone as well. The weight of Alaskan Malamutes varies between 35 – 46 kilograms and mostly found in Alaska.

5. Huskies

Huskies are almost the same in most of the aspects as compared to Alaskan Malamutes but one most interesting thing about Huskies is their howl can be heard from 10 miles away. The original name of this breed is Siberian Husky and they are very strong and silent. They are actually from the North East of Siberia. One thing which makes Huskies unique is their striking eyes which are icy blue in most prevalent manner. Huskies have a double layered coat so dense that an even arctic temperature is not a problem for it to survive even in -50 temperatures. As far as nature is concerned so they are friendly but sometimes very aggressive as well. Weight of Huskies varies between 20 – 30 kilograms.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher is a forceful one man dog. Doberman Pinschers is a popular choice of dog lovers all over the globe because of its various plus points like it’s one of best human companion, loyal, easy to train, confident, highly intelligent and one thing which sometimes humans don’t have and that is trustworthy. Along with many of these qualities we cannot forget or neglect the anger level of Doberman Pinscher because once its angry it sometimes become very difficult to make it calm down and the victim may get serious injury. Most of the times armed forces keep this dog with them to handle thieves or robbers. Their weight varies between 30 – 42 kilograms and the origin of Doberman Pinschers is Germany.

3. German Shepherd

German Shepherd
German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breed all over the world. German Shepherds are fearless, extremely intelligent, active, versatile, very easy to train and loyal dogs. Almost all of the countries of the world have them right now in their armed forces. The loyalty level of German Shepherd can be determined like this that if you are a soldier and German Shepherd is your pet or companion dog then he would be the first one to take the bullet for you. Weight of German Shepherd varies between 32 – 46 kilograms. Why they are counted in the list of most dangerous dogs is because of their instant aggressive nature which can be a cause of major problem most of the times.

2. Rottweiler

Rottweiler is one of the most dangerous dog breed of the world and because of its aggressive and dangerous nature it has been banned in many cities all over the globe. If anyone wants to keep Rottweiler then he has to be very much dedicated to it because Rottweiler requires lot of attention. One of the most astonishing things about this dog breed is that in last 20 years the Rottweilers are responsible for almost 50 % of all dog related deaths in United States. Rottweiler has massive stopping power and they are not afraid to use it against any victim. The Weight varies between 46 – 59 kilograms. Rottweiler jaws are the most powerful jaws as compared to all other dogs of the world.

1. Pit Bull

Pit Bull
Pit Bull is the most dangerous dog breed existed ever. Let’s look at the reputation of Pit Bull. They have been banned in Denver and parts of Florida, not allowed on certain airlines, over 500 cities have strict Pit Bull restrictions and they are also banned in Great Britain and New Zealand. Make no mistake while making any type on contact with Pit Bull because it is not a dog for everyone. There are countless incidents where people are seriously injured or killed by Pit Bulls. If you got attacked by a Pit Bull then trust me that can become your worst life experience. Mostly this dog is been kept for fighting purposes because they have got big strong muscles especially the big jaw. Pit Bulls have the title of the most aggressive and powerful bite power all over the world in dogs. Weight varies between 25 – 30 Kilograms.
In the end I would like to say once again that no dog is dangerous. It’s the way their owners raise them to be.